Development of equations for tuning pid controllers applied to temperature control in heat exchangers


  • Jorge Duarte Forero Universidad Antonio Nariño - Ingeniería Biomédica
  • German Amador Diaz


Amador-Duarte Fuction, Process Gain, Time Constant, Dead Time, Transfer Fuction


The development of controllers tuning equations PI, PID based on performance criteria is a methodology widely used in recent years. There numerous scientific publications where equations are reported of tuning used to tune controllers function of a particular process, and desired response in the control loop. In this article presents the development of a tuning equations for PID controllers based on the formulation of a new comprehensive performance criterion called FAD ®, which aims error minimizing deviation above or below the Set Point to regulatory control, depending on the restrictions of a specific process that can be approximated through a model represented by a transfer function FOPDT.


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  • Abstract
  • PDF (Español (España))

How to Cite

Duarte Forero, J., & Amador Diaz, G. (2013). Development of equations for tuning pid controllers applied to temperature control in heat exchangers. INGE@UAN - TENDENCIAS EN LA INGENIERÍA, 4(7). Retrieved from



Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica
