Percepciones de los docentes de grado cuarto de la Institución educativa oficial Pablo Correa León sede Valle Esther de la ciudad de Cúcuta acerca de los procesos educativos con estudiantes venezolanos
perception, inclusion, interculturatyAbstract
The investigative work was aimed at knowing the perceptions of the fourth grade teachers of the official educational institution Pablo Correa León, Valle Esther headquarters in the city of Cúcuta, about the educational processes with Venezuelan students, stating the successes in the processes and the barriers. educational. It was known that teachers perceive in the educational processes with Venezuelan students, the presence of low academic performance, little responsibility and commitment in the training component. Additionally, they highlight the manifestation of talents in the area of the arts, highlighting the cultural knowledge, worldviews and skills of the population group. Likewise, they observe educational barriers, associated with the difficulties presented in responsibly assuming the educational process; Although, they perceive that students show successes regarding intentions to continue with the learning processes.
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