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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


1. Publication of articles (IMPORTANT)
1.1. Document preparation
(Use templates)
All the articles must be sent in electronic version, using the templates that we have prepared for this purpose (TEMPLATES in each language), filled with the Word word processor (.DOC or .DOCX) or using LaTEX App and sent the PDF as an attachment to an email.

Very important
LAST NAME (all in Capital), First Name (first letter in capital only) and Initial letter for the middle name. Examples:



SMITH, Roger F.

1.2. From the articles (Use templates)
The articles must be originals not published in other journals, except in cases in which the Editorial Board so determines.
The maximum length of each work will be 20 letter-size pages (A4) with 32 lines per page (space and a half) and 62 strokes per line. In this 20 pages should include charts, tables and bibliographic references. Please ever refer to the templates.
A footnote should be included with a brief curricular review of the basic data of him or the authors of the article (University or Institution where he works / studies / researches) and at least one e-mail of the authors.
The articles must include a summary of the same, both in English and in the original language (Spanish, Portuguese ...), with an extension of no more than 80 words.
It is recommended that the graphics and figures are inserted in the text in JPG or GIF format. It is also recommended that Tables and Tables be made in Excel format (XLS or XLSX) and inserted in the word document.
The footnotes should be avoided as much as possible. If they are strictly necessary they must be placed before the bibliographic references, at the end of the article.
The articles will be submitted to review by referees specialized in the subject.
The submission of a manuscript by the author and its acceptance by the Editor on behalf of the Editorial Board represents an authorization for the publication of his article in the Revista Espacios Journal.
The opinions and comments issued in each article are the sole responsibility of the author or authors.

1.3. From the bibliographical references
The citation and bibliographic reference based on APA standards will be used (PDF)

It is recommended to use the method of inserting references of the Microsoft Word® application using the APA standard. See: (In spanish)

1.4. How to cite articles from Espacio Matemático journal
For the citation over revista Espacios it is recommended to use the following:

Author, A.A.; Author, B.B. & Author, C.C. (Year). Name of the article. Espacio Matemático. Volume (Number), page. Retrieved from:

2. Times for Acceptance Response /Request for Changes / Rejection
2.1. Send PDF file from Word® o LaTEX
It's mandatory that the PDF have to be attached to the email sent to in the same email.

2.2. Article reception letter
A reception letter will be sent for each article received in our account where a code will be assigned that will serve as a reference in the authors-editor communications. This reception letter will be issued between 1 to 2 weeks after receipt of the item.

The date of receipt will be considered the date of entry to our e-mail box.

2.3. Acceptance Response, Request for Changes or Rejection
The response of acceptance of the article or request for changes or Rejection will be made no later than 45 days after receipt of the article.

2.4. In case of rejection of the article
In the event that the article is rejected by the Review Committee, you will be notified via email from

3. Templates 

For the edition of the articles, the authors must follow the typographies and layout of the templates that are attached below.

For documents in Word®
Template in Microsoft Word® (english)
Some recommendations for documents in Word®

1. Copy the original texts and paste them into the template using the special option "Text without format"

2. Paste graphics, figures, tables and tables in the text.

3. In the case of the formulas they must be in .JPG or .PNG or GIF format since many times they are created in Microsoft Word ® they can be corrupted in the transfer to another document and not be correctly present in the html document

For documents in LaTEX
Template in Latex (english)

Attention in Bibliographical references

- The citation and bibliographic reference based on APA standards will be used (PDF version)
- It is recommended to use the method of inserting references of the Microsoft Word® application using the APA standard. See: (In spanish)


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.