Current Issue
To celebrate the life and trajectory of the Faculty of Psychology of the Universidad Antonio Nariño is to celebrate the changes and the social impact of the program in the formation of professionals in psychology in the country. psychology professionals in the country.
Thus, this issue seeks to recount our history in texts that relate, from the perspective of those who live and make the program their daily lives and identity, the changes and adaptations that, in three decades of painstaking effort, have flourished in response to the needs of a changing country, seeking inclusion, equality and the joint effort to make psychological science a haven of knowledge, a refuge of knowledge, and an opportunity to develop a new approach to the psychological science, a refuge of knowledge and fair practices with the realities that the country needs and demands.
While we praise with joy our trajectory in these 30 years as a program, let's celebrate together.
Full Issue
Espacio K_T_Drático
Psicología Organizacional: 30 años en la UAN Reflexión Acerca del Rol del Psicólogo
Abstract 28
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Abstract 28
¿Cómo ha cambiado el rol de psicología jurídica en Colombia?
Abstract 35
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Abstract 35
Enseñando Sabroso Cuidado, Salud y Capitalismo en el rol del Psicoterapeuta
Abstract 44
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Abstract 44
Noticias del Hilo
Una Autoevaluación con fines de alta calidad. Maestría en Mediación Familiar
Abstract 21
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Abstract 21
Semillero Análisis del Género en el contexto Colombiano Un recuento de nuestra historia
Abstract 34
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Abstract 34
Vida Cultural
Trigésimo Aniversario Facultad De Psicología Palabras de Celebración - Egresados
Abstract 20
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Abstract 20