Zika Virus Infection Control: A Perspective Towards Natural Medicine



Virus del Zika, infección, tratamiento, extracto vegetal


Zika virus infection is a worldwide problem, it can have severe complications such as death. However, there is no specific treatment. This article aims to review the plant extracts that have been shown to inhibit the proliferation of this virus, in vitro, as a possible therapeutic strategy.


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León Colmenares, D. S., Rodríguez Fersaca, A. K. ., Losada Barragán, M. ., Bello García, F. J. ., Torres García, O. A. ., & Muñoz Ramírez, A. L. . (2021). Zika Virus Infection Control: A Perspective Towards Natural Medicine. REVISTA SAYWA, 2(3). Retrieved from https://revistas.uan.edu.co/index.php/saywa/article/view/799



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