Editorial Team
Prominent experts from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Italy, Nicaragua and Panama participate in the magazine as members of the editorial and scientific committees; and as Authors and Peer Evaluators there are professionals from some of the countries already mentioned, in addition to Canada, China and Paraguay. The above shows the international nature of the publication and its wide dissemination worldwide, an aspect that forms an essential part of the Magazine and will continue to expand, since experts from Spain have been linked to the edition that is in the production process. and Mexico. The Magazine, as is evident, seeks the publication and dissemination of both national and international works, all of them of high level and great validity.
María Luisa Passarge
Master from the Metropolitan Autonomous University-Xochimilco in Editorial Design and Production
Semblance https://www.uaeh.edu.mx/fini/2021/artistas-invitados/maria-luisa.html
Email: revista.nodo@uan.edu.co