Rethinking the city: sustainable urban development strategies of intermediate Latin American cities


  • Paula Andrea Cifuentes Ruiz "Doctorado en Proyectos Arquitectónicos de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Magíster en Medio Ambiente y \nDesarrollo por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Arquitecta por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Actualmente es \ndocente investigadora de la Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat, Universidad de la Salle, Bogotá, Colombia"
  • Josep Llop Torné "Arquitecto-Urbanista. Director de UIA-Cimes, Programa Unión Internacional de Arquitectos. Càtedra Unesco sobre les \nCiudades Intermèdies."


sustainable urban development, intermediate cities, urban environment, sustainability strategies


This article is part of the research conducted in the doctoral thesis of the author and is currently subject of research at the University of La Salle. In this case, it has taken sustainable urban development seen from the perspective of the intermediate city in Latin America, a typology of town with features that go beyond its size , it refers more to the intermediary role that it meets within the region to which it belongs. In the beginning, the article discusses the problems that arise with urban growth and the impact it generates, also, the role of intermediate cities in the phenomenon of urban concentration. The features, benefits and challenges of intermediate cities are presented. They talk about the urgency of change of approach required for understanding the city as a system, likewise, sustainable urban development strategies and their characteristics are presented . Finally , the Proposal for the Sustainability of the City Intermediate PSCI is explained by its seven ( 7) criteria: Brokerage , Compactness , Efficiency , Livability , Mobility, Governance, and Citizen Participation ; and the most relevant conclusions.


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How to Cite

Cifuentes Ruiz, P. A. ., & Llop Torné, J. (2015). Rethinking the city: sustainable urban development strategies of intermediate Latin American cities. REVISTA NODO, 10(19), 73–83. Retrieved from



