Vol. 7 No. 13 (2022): Lenguajes expresivos: Los caminos del actor.

					View Vol. 7 No. 13 (2022): Lenguajes expresivos: Los caminos del actor.

The IV International Colloquium of Expressive Languages ​​Theater Schools: the paths of the actor, was held from April 7 to 9, organized by the Bachelor of Performing Arts of the Antonio Nariño University, the Dramatic Arts program of the Central University, the Bachelor of in Performing Arts of the University of Sonora (Mexico), the Performing Arts program of the Francisco José de Caldas District University -ASAB- and the Network of Theater Schools - Ret Colombia, in the blended edition.

In this fourth version, the Colloquium was a space that allowed dialogue between academic and artistic institutions to investigate the trends, forms, and perspectives of the work of performing artists, with the purpose of reflecting on the different fields of work of the actor.

Giving special emphasis to the participation and the meeting between the students of the participating institutions. Some of the participating papers are compiled in this edition of the Voz a Vos Bulletin.

Published: 2022-06-14

Reflections about Performing Arts