About the Journal


PAPELES is an open-access, continuous, and scientific journal, edited and financed by Antonio Nariño University and published in both, digital and printed formats. It addresses issues in the educational field at all levels of instruction, focusing on teaching and learning in all areas of knowledge, including teacher training, assessment, curriculum, didactics, epistemology, teaching conceptions, inclusive education, general education, teaching, and educational innovations. The journal accepts qualitative, quantitative, or mixed research framed as research and review articles. Papers undergo a double-blind peer-review process without charges to the authors at any of the stages.


The authors must guarantee that the work submitted is of their entire authorship, it is an original work, and it has not been published or considered for publication in any language elsewhere. Manuscripts derived from a thesis should not have compromised rights. During the evaluation process, we recommend that they are not visible in institutional repositories. All tables, figures, and images protected by copyright must have authorization for their use; otherwise, the source must be cited. Pre-release versions published on pre-print sites are not accepted to guarantee the double-blind evaluation process.


PAPELES addresses teachers, trainee teachers, researchers, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, and other education-related professionals.

Indexed: edalyc, DOAJ, CARHUS PLUS, EUROPUB, REDIB, ERIH PLUS, ROAD, IRESIE, EBSCO (Education Source, Fuente Académica Plus), Latindex, Dialnet,  MIAR, OAJI, SCILIT, Semantic Scholar, Ulrich Web, World Cat.

ISSN: 0123-0670 ISSN-online: 2346-0911