El estilo cognitivo en el contexto educativo


  • Christian Hederich Martínez Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
  • Ángela Camargo Uribe Universidad Pedagógica Nacional


Cognitive difference, education, pedagogical practice, learning, field dependency-independency.


This paper presents an overview of the research on the application of cognitive style theory to education. The study consists of three parts: first, the statement of the problem, in which the evolution and the sense given to the concept of “cognitive style” by the psycho-pedagogical research, is presented, second, theory and practice are contrasted with respect to specific educative and pedagogical issues and, finally, a reflection is made on how to face the problem of cognitive differences in educative and  pedagogical settings.


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How to Cite

Hederich Martínez, C., & Camargo Uribe, Ángela. (2009). El estilo cognitivo en el contexto educativo. Papeles, 1(1), 19–37. Retrieved from https://revistas.uan.edu.co/index.php/papeles/article/view/765



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