
Starting 2021, PAPELES publishes under the continuous publication model, meaning that it enters the production stage once a manuscript is approved for publication. This model seeks to make the article available to readers more quickly and efficiently.


Stylistic correction. After its acceptance, the article goes to the stylistic correction stage. The texts will be reviewed and modified, when necessary, to make the writing more fluid and coherent and correct orthographical and grammatical mistakes. Interaction with the authors is vital at this stage. To ensure the process’s flow, they must meet the stipulated times for revisions and approvals.

Layout. Once the final text is corrected and approved by the authors, the text goes to layout, where it is adjusted to the Journal’s established design, according to editorial standards. This stage is also subject to the authors’ review and final approval.

Final approval. The author-approved and diagrammed text is published. If mistakes are detected or corrections or retractions are deemed necessary after publication, the authors must request the adjustment via email. The editorial team will determine if the adjustment is relevant, issuing a misprint, correction, or retraction. This process will be handled following the established post-publication policies.

Legal deposit. legal deposit of all PAPELES’s digital and printed issues are made in the Colombian National Library.

Editorial manager. PAPELES’s editorial management and publication of submitted manuscripts are performed through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform, compatible with the OAI-PMH protocol.