Video Games as Immersive Simulations. The Case “Atrapados”, Transmedia Narrative and Research of Collective Intelligence


  • Carlos Roberto Torres Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • Jaime Rodriguez Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • Luis Gonzalez Universidad Santo Tomas


Video games, simulation, immersion


This text explores the concept simulation questioning some of its most widespread characterizations and argues why, contrary to these findings, all games are simulations. Subsequently, in order to specify what the particularity that differentiates the games from other forms of simulation is, Immersion category is proposed as one of the particular features of this medium. To explain this idea it is critically reviewed the work of some of the most prominent authors who have explored this concept, contrasting with different canonical definitions of play throughout the twentieth century and more recent reflections from the study of the game. Finally, the case of the video game “Atrapados” (Jaime Alejandro Rodríguez, 2014) is analized using the concepts of simulation and immersion to explain its functioning.


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Videojuegos reseñados

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Atrapados (2014) Jaime Alejandro Rodríguez, disponible en:

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How to Cite

Torres, C. R. ., Rodriguez, J., & Gonzalez, L. (2015). Video Games as Immersive Simulations. The Case “Atrapados”, Transmedia Narrative and Research of Collective Intelligence. Papeles, 6(12-13), 47–62. Retrieved from



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