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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Instructions for Authors


Before submission

Dear author. Please review our editorial policies before submitting your article. Submit your manuscript according to the template provided and attach the transfer rights and authorship declaration forms.


Text typology

PAPELES accept research and review papers


Research articles. Must not exceed 10000 words or 25 pages, including references (minimum 20). They should follow the structure: Title, Abstract, and Keywords (in English and Spanish), Introduction, Methodology, Results, and Discussion, Conclusions, and References. The Funding, Acknowledgments, and Disclaimer sections should follow the Conclusions.


Review articles. Must not exceed 10000 words or 25 pages, including references (minimum 50). Qualitative approach reviews or meta-analyses will be accepted. They should examine and summarize previous studies on a specific topic to provide a broad view of a specific scientific field from the author’s analytical, interpretive, and critical perspective. The reviews’ structure should follow an article’s standard sections: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions.


Main topics

PAPELES accept manuscripts on the following subjects.


Teacher training





Teaching Conceptions

Educational innovations


Manuscript preparation

The manuscript must follow this structure:

  • Title: must be presented in English and Spanish. It must be concise and precise and contain no abbreviations.
  • Authors: clearly indicate the names and surnames of all the authors.
  • Affiliation: include each of the authors’ institutional affiliation and ORCID must and the corresponding author’s email.
  • Abstract: 250-words maximum paragraph. The abstract should present the research question, methodology used, main findings, and conclusions. Avoid non-standard or unusual abbreviations. If essential, they should be defined at their first mention in this section.
  • Keywords: use up to 5 keywords, avoiding general terms. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes. They should be selected from the following thesauri (Unesco, European Education Thesaurus, or EuroVoc).
  • Resumen: Abstract in Spanish.
  • Palabras Clave: Keywords in Spanish.
  • Introduction: briefly situate the study within a broad context and highlight its importance. Define the work’s purpose and significance. Review the current state of the research field, citing key publications. Briefly mention the work’s main goal. Abbreviations may be used; define them the first time they are used.
  • Methodology: describe the process used in detail so that other researchers can replicate the results obtained.
  • Results and discussion: provide an accurate description of the results obtained and the authors´ interpretation. Use subtitles when necessary. Cited all the figures and tables in the text using Arabic numbers.
  • Conclusions: present the conclusions derived from the information obtained. Do not be over general or speculative.
  • Funding: indicate the sources of funding for the research (optional).
  • Acknowledgments: mention the non-funding entities that supported the research (optional).
  • Conflict of interest: state any conflict of interest or lack thereof.
  • Annexes: include details and complementary data (optional).
  • References: include all those that have been mentioned in the text. They must appear alphabetically using the APA format in its seventh edition. Include the DOI at the end of the reference.


Manuscript submission

  • Register on the platform
  • Select new submission, language, thematic focus, and mark all the submission requirements boxes. Submit as the author and accept the handling of personal data. Click Next.
  • Upload the submission: Upload the files one by one (manuscript, commitment letter, rights transfer, and authorship statement), selecting the item being attached. Repeat these steps until all the files have been uploaded.


If the “A possible revision or copy was detected” announcement appears, select the “select file to keep history” option. Click save and continue.


  • Enter metadata: enter all the requested metadata and add the manuscript authors’ complete information; enter the keywords one by one, do not copy and paste the entire set of words. Have the original text file available to copy and paste the information requested by the system.
  • Confirmation: Confirm submittal. Keep in mind that once you accept, no new information can be added, or changes made. The system will send a notification of the submittal by email. The submittal should appear in the manuscripts sent list.
  • Next steps: Here, you can check your manuscript’s status (revision, editing, or production) or make new submissions.


After acceptance for publication

Copyright. If the article is accepted, the authors must download and sign the letter of assignment of rights to the journal and authorship declaration.


Revision and approval. Revise the manuscript meticulously and respond promptly to the requirements in the first filter, assessment, and production stages.


Post-publication. Share your article on the different social and academic networks you use. Stay abreast of your article’s downloads and citations.



Artículos de Investigación

Artículos de investigación. Esta tipología no podrá exceder las 10.000 palabras o las 25 páginas con referencias (mínimo 20). Su estructura es la siguiente: título, resumen y palabras clave en inglés y español, introducción, metodología, resultados y discusión, conclusiones y referencias bibliográficas. Luego de las conclusiones deberán ir los apartados financiación, agradecimientos y descargos de responsabilidad.


Artículos de Revisión

Artículos de revisión. Esta tipología no podrá exceder las 10.000 palabras o las 25 páginas con referencias (mínimo 50). Se aceptarán revisiones con enfoque cualitativo o metanálisis. Su fin será resumir y examinar estudios previos sobre una temática específica para ofrecer un panorama amplio de un campo específico de la ciencia desde una perspectiva analítica, interpretativa y crítica del autor. La estructura de las revisiones debe seguir las secciones usuales de un artículo: introducción, metodología, resultados, discusión y conclusiones.

Educación, infancia y Adolescencia ante las redes sociales y los influencers

Hoy en día, el acceso a internet y el uso de las redes sociales pueden considerarse como una de las principales expresiones de la revolución tecnológica. De hecho, las estadísticas proporcionadas por el Banco Mundial indicaron que, en 2019, aproximadamente el 57% de la población tenía acceso a Internet, mientras que la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones informó que 7 de cada 10 jóvenes están conectados a la red en todo el mundo.


En los países desarrollados, se ha estimado que el 95% de los adolescentes están conectados constantemente a Internet, aunque este porcentaje disminuye en los países en desarrollo. Además, el auge de los influencers ha evidenciado el impacto que tienen las redes sociales en el comportamiento de niños y adolescentes.


En ese contexto, es relevante analizar cómo la era de las redes sociales y los influencers ha impactado en los fenómenos educativos. Por eso, la Revista Papeles ha decidido abrir un número especial sobre Educación, Infancia y Adolescencia en tiempos de redes sociales e influencers.


Papeles está aceptando trabajos de investigación teóricos y empíricos enfocados en analizar, evaluar y describir temas relacionados con el uso e impacto de las redes sociales y los influencers en la educación infantil y adolescente.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.