A Study of the Dialogic Dimension of Critical Thinking in Medical Students at the Antonio Nariño University


  • Luis Eduardo Olarte Estudiante de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Antonio Nariño.
  • Magally Escobar Martínez Docente investigadora. Línea de investigación en Educación Médica. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Antonio Nariño.
  • Gustavo Jaimes Monroy Docente investigador. Facultad de Odontología. Grupo de Investigación en Salud Oral. Universidad Antonio Nariño.




critical thinking, dialogical dimension, education


Research on critical thinking and the different areas that make them, it up today represent a challenge, due to the great variability of concepts and interpretations according to the authors and the multiple components, approaches and types of studies that “per se” this allows to develop. The great diversity of investigative approaches to critical thinking has allowed studies to target diverse populations, mainly in educational settings, the majority of these studies being in the context of evaluating the learning processes, in which aspects are involved. such as in which there are involved aspects such as educational methodologies, the preparation of teachers on critical thinking, teaching strategies, among others, which represent a set of tools necessary for the promotion and development of critical thinking in students.


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How to Cite

Olarte, L. E., Escobar Martínez, M., & Jaimes Monroy, G. (2021). A Study of the Dialogic Dimension of Critical Thinking in Medical Students at the Antonio Nariño University. Papeles, 12(24), 91–102. https://doi.org/10.54104/papeles.v12n24.838
