Infrastructures and urban centrality in africa A bus terminal in Ziguinchor (Lower Casamance, Senegal


  • Romina Martínez Algueró Universidad de Barcelona.



Senegal, Ziguinchor, bus station, infrastructure, urban centrality


In addition to its strategic role as a collective transport infrastructure, a bus station is loaded with centrality. It is indeed, since it fosters an efficient symbiosis of a broad articulation of entities, mechanisms and actions. Beyond that, in which technicians and politicians see a mere infrastructural solution, a bus terminal is discovered as a hypersocialized place, framework of a multiple activity in which the bifurcated and contradictory condition of urban life becomes tangible, but also its integrator capacity. All these virtues as a pole of social activity are recognized on the observation of the ordinary life of the Ziguinchor bus station, the most important city of the Casamance, Senegal.


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How to Cite

Martínez Algueró, R. . (2019). Infrastructures and urban centrality in africa A bus terminal in Ziguinchor (Lower Casamance, Senegal. REVISTA NODO, 13(26), 107–118.



