Rulfo photographer, more than a personal universe




photography, indigenism, reality and fiction, personal universe


To speak of Juan Rulfo is to exalt a literary figure, whose fame crossed borders with only two books, Pedro Páramo and El llano en llamas. In these volumes the national aspect appeared as an obligatory reference. How­ever, there is another area in Rulfo’s work where the aesthetics of photography come to the fore. Despite his artistic quality, he considered himself an amateur photographer; he never wanted to share credits with the great masters of that time in Mé­xico, such as Lola or Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Nacho Ló­pez or Kati Horna. Locating his images together with his literature gives us an enriched vision of Rulfo. In this space, it is about showing a Rulfo photographer who expresses himself in images that are at the height of his books.


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How to Cite

De Luna, A. (2022). Rulfo photographer, more than a personal universe. REVISTA NODO, 17(33), 55–68.



Artículo de Reflexión (Ensayo)
