Exploring the relationships between narratives, emotions and transmedia strategies

Stories of the final report of the Truth Commission, a remix from the graphic design classroom





comunicación digital, diseño centrado en el usuario, diseño emocional, empatía, experiencia narrativa, hipermediaciones, transmedia storytelling


This article presents the exploration and experimenta­tion carried out by the research group DAFT, belonging to the Graphic Design program at Antonio Nariño Uni­versity (UAN) in Bogotá, Colombia. The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationships between narratives, emotions, and transmedia strategies in support of the stories told by the Truth Commission.

Emphasis is placed on analyzing the interactions between narratives and emotions found in the final report of the Truth Commission. To support this ap­proach, an experiment was conducted with Graphic Design students who participated in creating a remix of the stories from the final report using transmedia strategies. The analysis of the data revealed the import­ance of emotions in the reception and under­standing of the narratives told by the Truth Commission. Additionally, different transmedia strategies used in the re­mix of the stories are proposed, which helped enrich the narrative experience and promote empathy with the victims.

Thus, it is argued that by effectively combining narratives, emotions, and transmedia strategies, it is possible to create more impactful and meaningful experiences that contribute to the dissemination and understanding of the Truth Commission’s final report. The findings of the exploration have important implications for the practice of graphic design and social communication, highlighting the importance of considering the intersection between narratives, emotions, and transmedia strategies when addressing sensitive issues and promoting empathy in society.


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How to Cite

Vallejo Bejarano, J. A., & Bernal Sandoval, H. A. (2023). Exploring the relationships between narratives, emotions and transmedia strategies: Stories of the final report of the Truth Commission, a remix from the graphic design classroom. REVISTA NODO, 17(34). https://doi.org/10.54104/nodo.v17n34.1552



