Vol. 19 No. 37 (2024): Mapping global art. The critical investigation of Anna Maria Guasch
Full Issue
Dossier Arte
Artículo de Reflexión (Ensayo)
The prevalence of context A conversation with Anna Maria Guasch
Abstract 82
PDF (Español) 26
Abstract 82
Anna Maria Guasch and global studies of art A transatlantic and transdisciplinary dialogue of two decades
Abstract 63
PDF (Español) 33
Abstract 63
Anna Maria Guasch: maps and drifts in the study of contemporary art
Abstract 91
PDF (Español) 29
Abstract 91
Anna Maria Guasch and her contribution to the global art system
Abstract 72
PDF (Español) 54
Abstract 72
Reseña de libros
Reseña del libro Aprender Arquitectura, editado por Arquine no aplica
Abstract 67
PDF (Español) 45
Abstract 67