Vol. 16 No. 31 (2021): Ciudad y arte sonoro

In tune with the work carried out by the UAN Faculty of Arts to recognize itself from an interdisciplinary dialogue and a critical view of the changes that have led to the entry into force of research policies in the imaginary of the arts. , this issue of Node magazine invites you to recognize and explore the work of people who have embraced the legacy of pioneers in the field and rigorously experiment with this time-based art form. The edition encompasses both the work of artists who explore sound in its purest form while blurring the barriers between sound, noise and music in the historical or contemporary sense, such as those who investigate the political and cultural implications of certain sounds to enhance human rights.
Full Issue
Network sonification from observational data Another way of listening to the complexity of public space
Abstract 496
PDF (Español) 58
Abstract 496
La adjetivación del paisaje sonoro del Maestro Roncador en la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo
Abstract 65
PDF (Español) 57
Abstract 65
¡TIC, TOC, TAC, AI! Arte Sonoro, Tecnología y Ciudad en el s.XXI.
Abstract 466
PDF (Español) 205
Abstract 466
Acoustic heritage: community challenges in its safeguarding
Abstract 147
PDF (Español) 73
Abstract 147
Resonant Spaces Listen to the space and inhabit the sound
Abstract 340
PDF (Español) 148
Abstract 340